This Break-up Expert Will Personally Help You Get Your Ex Boyfriend or Husband Back And Rebuild That Strong And Passionate Relationship You Were Supposed To Have...

Just tell me a few things about your break-up and I’ll get back to you with a FREE Email Consultation within 24 hours

This is a picture of my parents. They’ve been married for 47 years.


I’m Kate.

And I’m here to tell you that lifelong love like theirs really does exist*, no matter how heartbroken and lonely you may feel right now.

If you got here, you’re probably looking for a clear way to get the man you love back into your arms.

To be happy again, like you used to be.

You’re probably feeling sad and confused right now…

I feel you.

Been there. It took me a couple of months before I managed to come up with a plan and get back with the man I’m married to right now.

My first attempts, though, were downright destructive. I tried things like:

  • Texting and calling him continuously
  • Promised to change
  • …I even begged him to take me back

I asked my friends and family for advice. All they said was vague. “There are other fish in the sea” type of stuff.

The funny thing?

I got him back only AFTER I had accepted myself for who I was and got my s&*t together.

That was the woman he fell in love with.

The one he proposed to…

As I said, it took me some time to come up with a plan. And I went on helping others as well (of course, I started with my girlfriends).

Anyway, how does this help you?

Well, during that awful period, I learned a lot. I’ve spent a ton of hours and dollars on books, blogs, courses and even counseling.

Basically, I’ve done all the research for you. No need to waste huge amounts of money & time to get where I got.

That’s why I can guide you, step-by-step, to get where I am now… happy.

There’s just one thing…

There is no “one-size-fits-all solution”

…despite what many may claim.

If a certain approach works for a Jessica, it won’t work for a Betty. It all comes down to the tiny little details.

The back-story each breakup has.

For the past 10 years, I’ve been helping women get over the pain of the break-up and make up with their loved ones.


By analyzing their specific situations, then offering guidance and actionable advice that fits their needs.

Free of charge.


Because nothing offers me the same satisfaction letters like Sharayah’s do*:

“Hi Kate!

I have been awaiting the chance to email you. I followed everything you have shared, and before I even got your last several messages, he was already running straight back into my arms more in love than ever.

I don’t know what the hell you did, but you helped me out big time! I have relied diligently on your guidance, and even though I strayed a few times (lost control of emotion).

I somehow got it together ENOUGH to get him back.

I feel like we are stronger than EVER. We recently lost our first child back in September, so it took a massive hit on our relationship. It was almost like that was the straw that broke the camels back, and I KNEW when I lost the baby, he was going to freak out and split.

I was right.

But I ended up finding lovely little you, and following your steps, and I’ll tell you what.

This man is on FIRE for me.

He has been doing things he has never done before, says things he has never said before, and our sex has been absolutely insane.

He is talking about marriage and babies again. All things that had completely went away and weren’t even a thought in his brain. I really want to thank you.

I am still continuing to follow your guidance, and I hope to still receive email updates from you.

Even though this is contact via internet, it somehow helped me. The further I ran away, the faster he chased me! I don’t know how to thank you enough, I was so skeptical and DID NOT think this was going to work… but boy, did I get my baby back or what!

I am so happy I can’t even explain. thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

I got my baby back!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh… I get emotional every time I read it 🙂

I also refused to help some. Some wanted to get back with an abusive spouse, some to take revenge on their ex. I’m not really into that, I just wanna help people be happy

Back to Sharayah – it took her about 40 days to get her man back*.

Now, I know, you want him back in your arms like yesterday.

You want results fast. We all do.

But if you really want him back for good, you need to have just a little bit of patience.

Right now, you might be a little emotional to do things properly. (and there’s nothing wrong with that)

Just take into consideration that…

There’s a great chance you may be pushing him away as we speak

The first thing you need to do is learn to take your time.

Next, we’ll build you from the ground up. And we’ll work on how to get HIM wanting YOU back like crazy.

See the pattern? Baby steps. That’s how you do it right!

Here’s the deal – if you decide to fight for your man and dedicate yourself to getting him back, I promise I’ll help you.


Still with me?


Now relax. Grab some tea, listen to a soothing, nice song… and just relax.

Next, take a few minutes and try to remember how it all happened…

Just answer the questions below with the specifics of your break-up and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours with a personalized "ex recovery" plan for your particular situation.

Your information is completely safe with me. I will NOT share it with anyone. It’s sent directly to me so I can help you and no one else sees it.

  • First, let's get to know each other.

  • Good. Now let's talk about the break-up.

  • Just...speak your mind.
  • I'll only use this to reply to you. Your email is safe with me 😉
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Your information is completely safe with me. I will NOT share it with anyone. It’s sent directly to me so I can help you and no one else sees it.

*** The reason I ask you to complete so many fields is that I need to know the very specifics of your break-up. Only once I understand these key factors as well as the additional details will I be able to offer you honest advice and custom guidance tailored to your specific situation. You won’t have to pay for this service. Your email address is safe with me, I take your privacy seriously and will never share it with anybody. Also, I will not use your email to send you marketing promos. If you have issues with this, you can contact me at support AT exbackgoddess DOT com ***